Twillingate-New World Island Dinner Theatre Christmas Hamper Program

December 13th - 16th, 2022

Again this year, Ernie and Cathy Watkins, proprietors of the Twillingate - New World Island Dinner Theatre, led their Christmas Hamper Program that provides food and household items to the less fortunate all along the northeast coast … some 130 families receiving a helping hand at what is for far too many, a difficult time of the year.

It is a huge undertaking for Ernie, Cathy, and their core group of volunteers. Fundraising takes place all throughout the year and culminates in mid-December when after purchasing all the food, gets brought to the theatre and gets organized in several aisles of food piled three and four feet high, as well as several freezers in the adjacent Waterside Market full of turkeys, chickens, roasts and cakes.

Twillingate Masonic Lodge congratulates Ernie, Cathy and their fantastic team for their exceptional efforts. We are also very proud to help out again this year with many of our members filling the crates, loading up the trailers and generally helping out in any way that the moment required, or so directed by April who did her very best to keep us in line. :)

The Christmas Hamper Program is a registered charity.

If you would like to donate to this very worthy cause, please visit their website.

Below are a few pictures from December 13th and 14th.