Grand Lodge of AF & AM of Newfoundland and Labrador
25th Anniversary
Historic Anniversary for Freemasons in Newfoundland and Labrador
On November 1,1997, an historic event occurred in the world of Freemasonry within the United States and Canada. The last and final Grand Lodge in these countries came into being. Up to that time every State in the US and every Province in Canada were represented by a Grand Lodge except one - Newfoundland & Labrador. It had been proposed several times, but like Confederation with Canada, it did not gain any traction.
In 1995 several dedicated Masons from Avalon Lodge No. 776, led by W Bro. Melvin A. Miller, decided it was time to push a little harder. At that time, we were a remote District of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and lacked control of our affairs and were paying a significant portion of the lodge assessments to England in pounds sterling. Following the protocols established by the UGLE, presentations were made to all Lodges in the Province, including those of the District Grand Lodge of Scotland. All the Lodges under the UGLE voted overwhelming in favour of our own Grand Lodge, including five Lodges from the District Grand Lodge of Scotland.
We had the protocols to carry out the voting but knew little or nothing about the process of setting up and consecrating a Grand Lodge. After several trips to London and with support from all the Grand Jurisdictions in Canada, particularly the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, the UGLE agreed to consecrate the new Grand Lodge. The path had some bumps and turns, but in the end it all worked out.
In 1995 a delegation from our District went to England to make a case for a Grand Lodge but did not get a positive reply from England. At that time, The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario became aware of our intentions and offered to be our sponsor of a Grand Lodge of Newfoundland & Labrador. Another Grand Lodge that was ready to help, The Grand Lodge of New York, were in support as well.
On November 1,1997 at the Hotel Newfoundland, we became the last Grand Lodge to be consecrated in North America. As you can see from the attached Consecration Proceedings this was an especially important event in the World of Freemasonry in North America.
So, brethren, on this our 25th Anniversary Year, let’s take time in our lodges to mark and celebrate this great occasion and to recognize the present and past members that helped make this important event become reality.
RW Bro. Daniel Crocker, Grand Secretary
Grand Lodge of Newfoundland & Labrador

L-r: RW Bro. Vernon Burke Jr. JGW, Texas; MW Bro. Ernest R. MacDonald, PGM, Vermont; RW Bro. Ross Van Ness Bayer, DGM, NJ; MW Bro. Edward Weisser, GM, PA; Lord Burton, Grand Master, Scotland; Lord Farnham, Pro Grand Master, UGLE; VW Bro. Cannon W.F. Roan, GCHAP, UGLE, MW Bro. Gary A. Henningsen, GSEC, NY; RW Bro. CDR. Higham, GSEC, UGLE.
From left: Grand Director of Ceremonies, UGLE, VW Bro. PG Lowndes & MW Bro Starkes, investing Officers.
RW Bro. Neil M. Chaplin, DGM, MW Bro. Herman Starkes, Grand Master.
MW Bro Rt. Hon. Lord Farnham, Pro Grand Master reading a message from Edward, Grand Master, United Grand Lodge of England.
Grand Opening of Freemasons Hall
One of the milestones in our 25-year history as the Grand Lodge of Newfoundland and Labrador